Automation & Electronics, Inc. is an industrial electrical design-build contractor with strong automation and communication departments. Our company has engineering, electrical contracting, programming, communication, technical, and electrical specialists for providing an integrated solution to meet your needs.
We provide a full range of services including electrical power system design, service entrance equipment, ground resistance testing, switch gear installation, distributed PLC based automation systems, process control system upgrades, power quality surveys, circuit breaker coordination studies, power factor correction, harmonic mitigation, and corrosion protection services.
Based in Casper, Wyoming, we are strategically located for quick response from North Dakota and Montana to Texas, Colorado and Utah. We also have projects on the East coast, as well as in Canada, Russia and Africa.
Automation & Electronics, Inc.
610 W. Platte Road
P.O. Box 2670
Casper, WY 82602-2670
1 307 234 9311 Phone
1 307 234 9438 Fax
Address: 139 W. 2nd Street, Suite 1-D
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: (307) 577-7011